Sunday, July 11, 2010

Christians are Not Annuals

Christians are perennials! Yay -

Ok - so you know I'm passionate about my gardening and I was just thinking Christians are not annuals. Let me tell ya - Annuals are plants that sprout, grow, produce, die. Corn is a good plant a "corn" it sprouts, grows, makes some ears (yummy), and then dies....nothing you can do can ever make that corn produce more ears or live just aint happening...I don't care what climate you are in.

Perennials on the hand (check out these synonyms: constant, incessant, continual, imperishable, undying, eternal, immortal) don't die - it may look dead but it's not. Asparagus is a perennial, every spring I get a bountiful harvest!

When we become a Christ follower (if you don't know how I can help you learn) the bible tells us that God gives us eternal life, we become a child of God, we are sealed with the holy spirit. This life perennial - it does not die, I mean the Bible says its eternal!

Ok, I know you can pick this apart and say that perennial plants can be killed (yep I've done it) but not so with God's eternal life! Yes, asparagus need a dormant period, and although we probably all go through one now and again, we are more like a tropical plant, fed and watered, we just keep producing bloom after bloom.

So there you have it - Christians are not annuals!